Key Lessons From Running My First Two Marathons
February 5, 2023| Posted in Running| 906
Over the past few years, I've run a number of half marathons, as well as shorter distance races such as 10k and the City2Surf a few times, however, training for and running my first two marathons was by far the biggest challenge and learning experience in my short foray into amateur distance running..
Managing COVID Kilos
April 26, 2021| Posted in Sport & Fitness| 810
You may have found that Covid-19 has made you gain a few extra kilos. Here is a quick guide to get you moving and have a healthier lifestyle.
Top Gym Etiquette Tips
July 17, 2015| Posted in Sport & Fitness| 591
Nothing is more annoying than those people at the gym that don't know the unspoken rules. Be sure you aren't being "that guy" by reading the dos and don'ts here.
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